Born out of the passion for Italian design and craftsmanship, Viamailbag offers unique, fun bags and sandals. All pieces are handmade in Italy using traditional technques and with meticulous attention to detail. Find rafia baskets, shoulder bags, handbags, and leather sandals featuring ethnic trimmings and glitter.
Our Picks Easy transactionAfter trying to purchase an expensive handbag from other shopping sites well known for foreign luxury goods and getting my transactions cancelled (for suspicious fraud), my Italist order went through smoothly and my item was delivered within two days! Prices are reasonable compared to those of the US.
Best selection, excellent customer service.Best selection, excellent customer service. Very easy to shop around the website and easy returns.
Communication & service with ItalistCommunication & service with Italist was great as soon as I placed my order. I was kept up to date through the whole process which I appreciated since my shoes were being shipped overseas!
Excelente customer serviceSuper fast response in solving any issues with the orders. 100 % happy with my purchase