If you’re not satisfied with your purchase for any reason, you can always return it. Returns that do not comply with our policy will be refused and returned to you. Please be sure to read our Returns Policy thoroughly before submitting your return.
Remember, you’re importing luxury goods directly from Italy, so your returns are processed through Italian customs. This process typically requires additional shipping costs, customs duties, and/or courier charges which is why we don’t offer free returns at this time.
You will be responsible for the shipping costs, customs duties estimated at the time the refund is paid, processing fees determined by Italist, and/or courier charges.
All returns must meet the following requirements for processing:
You are required to use italist’s courier, which is DHL in most parts of the world, to return your item. Additionally,
your return must be associated with the specific waybill and proforma invoice provided by DHL (please see instructions about the return process
here), otherwise it will not be accepted.
All returns must be shipped to italist within 14 days of the package delivery date.
Returns must be shipped from the same country as the original shipping address. You may not ship the order to one country, and then return it from an address outside that country.
If you refuse delivery for any reason, then you are responsible for the contents of that order and will not be eligible for a full refund by italist.
Items from different luxury boutiques should not be returned together. Please return each item individually using separate shipping boxes.
The original brand box or shoebox is considered part of the product and must be placed in another shipping box to avoid damage.
Products must be returned with their original tag(s) and label(s) still attached. If any tag(s) or label(s) are removed from the item, then the return will be refused.
Items must be returned unworn, unwashed, unironed, unused, and undamaged.
All returns must include the dust bag, brand box, shoebox, and all original packaging as these items are considered part of the product.
We do not accept returns for underwear, swimwear, fur coats, jewelry, or watches.
If under exceptional circumstances we accept a return for a fur coat, please be aware there will be higher than normal return and restocking charges and fees.
Final sale items cannot be returned or exchanged.
Please note that all shoes should be tried on inside, on a carpeted surface; be mindful not to scratch the soles or damage the shoebox (which is considered part of the product). Worn shoes will not be eligible for return.
Please handle light-colored bags carefully. Dark clothing can transfer dye to light-colored bags. Bags that are scratched, worn or smeared will not be eligible for return.
Please wear undergarments when trying on lingerie. And please note that hosiery must be returned unopened in its original packaging.
Colors can appear as a slightly different shade on your display depending on your computer monitor, mobile device, or tablet. We always make our best effort to display colors as accurately as possible, but we cannot guarantee colors.
We monitor the number of returns made by each customer. Our team may flag any return and refuse it at our discretion. Excessive returns and/or serious violation of our return policy may lead to the closure of your italist account.
If an item(s) is returned that violates our return policy, the return will be refused. The item(s) will be shipped to our Milan office where we will arrange the return shipping back to you, using our DHL account for a subsidized cost at your expense. You will receive an email advising of the violation, the cost of the return, and a link to pay for the return costs. You will have 75 days to make payment. Failure to pay for the return costs will result in a loss of the returned item that violated our returns policy. Please contact
customercare@italist.com for any questions.