There’s definitely something audacious and appealing on fashionable girls– equally so on stylish guys! From the recent New York Fashion Week Men’s and Pitti Uomo, we’re seeing a lot of trends emerging which guys could take a cue from. With that in mind, we’re detailing 5 different looks for every stylish guy:

1.Shirts in Contrasting Color

It’s all about the  details. When styling tops especially this summer season, there’s no reason not to go bold. The center photo (shot by The Sartorialist at Pitti Uomo) brilliantly captures one of the prominent trends this season– A slightly longer white T-shirt worn over a slightly shorter camp shirt with a compelling texture and design. In another respect, a floral polo shirt (image on the left) with a contrasting collar and sleeve cuff detail also makes the grade.

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2. Athleisure

Possibly a trend that gives stylish guys (and girls) an excuse to wear joggers and sneakers out to dinner. Kidding aside, the Athleisure/ Sportswear look is obviously making a wave in fashion. The great thing about it is that it’s generally practical and comfortable while still giving off that cool and stylish vibe.





3. Stripes

Dressing up in stripes isn’t really a big deal. But for a stylish guy, getting it right is. It’s a vivid street style worn in every season. Styling stripes can be fairly easy or significantly hard. Thus, it is essential to know your lines.



4. Chinos

Things we love about chinos: 1) It’s a great alternative for warm weathers; and 2) It unquestionably upgrades your look to ‘sleek and smart’ whether you’re going for a formal blazer and loafers, or a plain white shirt and sneakers.

Chinos Pants



5. Accessories

If you think fashion doesn’t have much to offer with regards to accessories for men, think again. One of the most important tenets in achieving that “look” for any stylish guy is getting the right accessories. When in doubt, go neutral. But when you’re feeling extra modish, don’t be afraid to play around different ensembles and maybe (if you haven’t yet) you’ll get to curate your signature style.

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About the Author

Alex English is the Head of Content Marketing at, building on a lifelong passion for fashion and luxury. After publishing a lifestyle blog for nearly ten years and obtaining an MBA in Milan at SDA Bocconi, one of Europe’s top business schools, he joined the italist team in 2019. His work since then has focused on upper-funnel messaging, brand storytelling, establishing italist as a thought leader in the space, and enriching the customer experience on the platform. Find him on LinkedIn.